Reading questions for empirical papers

Reading questions for empirical papers

[based on John Asker’s old IO syllabus]

  • What is the research question?
    • Why is it worth asking?
    • How does the research question relate to existing theoretical and empirical literature?
  • What’s the ideal data set?
    • Given the question, what would the ideal observables and variation be?
  • What data do they actually have?
    • Where does the data come from?
    • What is the unit of observation?
    • How is the data set in this paper different from that ideal data set?
  • What is the empirical strategy for answering the research question?
    • If the paper is reduced form, can you map the equation to a model?
    • If the paper is structural, what is the assumed data generating process?
      • Are the modeling decisions sensible?
      • Do they allow for interesting results with respect to the research question?
    • What are the sources of exogenous variation?
      • Where is identification coming from?
  • What econometric techniques are being used in this paper?
    • What is the central estimating equation (or equations)?
    • How does it map to the theoretical framework?
    • What is in the unobservable component?
      • What do the agents know that the econometrician doesn’t?
  • What are the main results of the paper?
    • Do they move your prior? Are they plausible?
  • What do we learn from this paper?
    • Do we care about this setting/ estimate per se, or are the results interesting because they relate to a broader phenomenon?
      • If the latter, do you believe they are externally valid?
    • What are the economic implications of the results?
    • Are there policy implications?
  • What questions does this paper leave unanswered?
    • How might you answer them?